FREE Videos

10 thoughts on “FREE Videos

  1. Think these flowers are the perfect thing to make when I just don’t know what I want to do.

  2. I watched the dogwood video but don’t see the pattern on here.

  3. Thank you Lisa Love these, partial to Dogwood flowers as live in BC

  4. I love these flowers for the fact they can be used for many projects. I had a class with Lisa last year and got to see this project live. It is truly gorgeous. Terry Goldberg February 18, 2023.

  5. Cute! But where’s the pattern?

  6. Thank you and enjoyed you video.

  7. When I made the dog wood flowers before firing I dusted the inside tips with lemongrass powder frit and cut three little nibs from a marigold colored rod and placed them in they middle. They look just like the ones on my tree. I also made pink ones and they are lovely. Thank you for the pattern.

  8. I love your Tree Frog video showing us how to create an intricate design. Your concept of how to break down the different pieces in this project is brilliant. You have amazing creativity and knowledge that you are sharing with us. Providing this information has definitely increased my confidence and creativity. I am creating pieces that I never thought I would be able to do.

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